- Kefo d.o.o. /
- Laboratorijski potrošni materijal, aparati i kemikalije /
- Laboratorijski potrošni materijal i aparati /
- Other /
Prodajni program
- Biomedicina
- Zaštita od COVID 19
- Laboratorijski aparati
- Medicinska oprema
Laboratorijski potrošni materijal, aparati i kemikalije
Laboratorijski potrošni materijal i aparati
- Schott Duran
- La-Pha-Pack, vijale,...
- Analytical measurement and testing
- Chromatography
- Cleanroom, Cleaning and sterilisation
- Distillation, separation, filtration
- Environmental-, soil-, water-, food analysis
- General laboratory consumables
- Heating and cooling technology
- Life Sciences
- Liquid Handling
- Occupational safety, Security
- Optical instruments and Microscopes
- Sample preparation
- Stirring, Shaking, Mixing
- Vacuum technology, Drying, Dry storage
- Other
- Laboratorijske kemikalije
Laboratorijski potrošni materijal i aparati
- Tehnička kemija i granulati
- Služba servisa i podrške kupcima
- Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test (Boson Biotech)