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Electroporation system ECM<sup>&reg;</sup> 830

Šifra: 4687942*LLG
Electroporation system ECM® 830
The versatile electroporation system is suitable for bacterial and yeast cell transformations, as well as for transfections of mammalian cells and tissues. The supplied safety dome connects to the generator to safely deliver high-voltage electrical pulses to cuvettes. Up to two cuvettes can be electroporated simultaneously.

  • Large, easy-to-use touchscreen interface
  • Preset protocols for commonly used mammalian cell lines and tissues
  • Storage of up to 1000 user-defined protocols
  • Safety functions: Pre-pulse resistance check, arc protection, and over-current pulse abort
  • Protocol of each delivered pulse for quality control and troubleshooting

Scope of supply: Generator ECM® 830, safety dome, electroporation cuvettes 1 mm / 2 mm / 4 mm (10 each), cuvette rack
Manufacturer:Harvard Apparatus (BTX)
Article description 1:ECM 830 Safety Dome System