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Condensers acc. to Allihn, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Allihn, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Allihn, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Allihn, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Davies, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Dimroth for extractors, with PP olives, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Dimroth, with GL threads, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Dimroth, with GL threads, DURAN® tubing
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers acc. to Liebig, DURAN® tubing, with glass olives
Condensers, ground glass joint, Dimroth, borosilicate glass 3.3.
Conical ground joint stoppers, borosilicate glass 3.3