Components for reaction and distillation
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Receiver adapters, with olives, DURAN® tubing, straight
Receiver adapters, with olives, DURAN® tubing, straight
Splash head adapter, ground glass joint, borosilicate glass 3.3
Splash heads acc. to Stutzer, straight or bent, DURAN® tubing
Splash heads acc. to Stutzer, straight or bent, DURAN® tubing
Splash heads acc. to Stutzer, straight or bent, DURAN® tubing
Stillheads, ground glass joint, with integral Liebig condenser
Stillheads, ground glass joint, with integral Liebig condenser
Stillheads, ground glass joint, with integral Liebig condenser
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Stirrers with PTFE blade and journal
Three neck adapters, DURAN® tubing